Sunday, November 23, 2008

Alex's Top 10 Films

My friend (codename DimSim) and I are constantly updating our Top 10 Films list. Phrases such as "That almost cracked my Top 10" or "That film could actually compete for my number 3 spot" are quite often heard in our post-film conversations.

So here is my Top 10 Film List:

  1. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy - yes it counts as one film in my books.
  2. Pan's Labyrinth - Guillermo del Toro is brilliant!
  3. Hot Fuzz - I am an unashamed Simon Pegg fan, more on that and SPACED later.
  4. Braveheart - Mel Gibson gets bad press these days, but this is an incredible epic.
  5. V for Vendetta - Has the most inspiring ending ever, and Natalie Portman helps.
  6. There Will Be Blood - Daniel Day Lewis!
  7. The Darjeeling Limited - Wes Anderson's best film.
  8. Children of Men - Made me tolerate Clive Owen.
  9. Casino Royale - more on this later...
  10. Starter For 10 - A little-seen British comedy with James McAvoy; hilarious!

So there is my current Top 10 Film list. I will post alterations as they occur.

Until next time, hang loose brother goose.

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